Image result for cape codder resort

Hotel Information:

Cape Codder Resort & Spa

1225 Iyannough Road

Hyannis, MA 02601

(855) 736-0802

Riverview School Hotel Rate: $184/night / Water Park Passes: $25/each

( Please indicate "Riverview School" when booking)


The Parents Association invite you to join us for class dinners on Friday October 19th at the Cape Codder Resort at 6:30 pm. Class dinners are offered as a way to socialize with other families from your child's class in a relaxed setting. Your child and their siblings are welcome to attend (please include your child and their siblings in the total count for dinner under "quantity").

NOT ATTENDING DINNER? Please enter "0" as the quantity if you are not planning to attend the dinner, then click "next" to complete other important information for the weekend in this form.

Any questions please contact Erin Soderstrom at  or 508.888.0489 x 242

Fall Family Weekend Registration

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Friday Class Dinner TIckets $0.00