Hotel reservations:
Hotel reservations should be made directly with the hotel by calling 508-771-1700


3:30 - 5:30p Registration at the DoubleTree
5:30 - 7:00p Remarks by Stewart Miller - Regional Outreach Kick-Off
7:00p Evening "Regional" Dinners at the DoubleTree (included in registration fee)

6:30 – 7:45a Breakfast (included in registration fee)
7:45a - Student pick-up in main lobby for student enrichment
8:00a – 4:00p Conference 

4:00 – 4:30p Performance by student chorus
~Dinner on your own~
7:00 – 9:00p Students’ Valentine’s Dance & Parents’ Social (separate rooms)

Breakfast on your own
Afternoon Local Post-Secondary Program Open Houses; on your own

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Transition Weekend 2017
Friday, February 10th - Saturday February 11th

There are 2 steps to registration

1) Fill out this form for the School registration

2) Call the Hotel and book your room. 

The DoubleTree Hotel is offering a special room rate of $129Please call the DoubleTree Hyannis at (508) 771-1700 and ask for the “Riverview School” group rate.

Transition Weekend is an opportunity for families to begin planning for their children's lives after Riverview. Presentation details will be posted to the Parent Resource Boards as they are confirmed.

Transition Weekend 2017 Registration

DoubleTree Hyannis
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Parent/Guardian Registration $0.00
Parent/Guardian registration includes the conference, dinner on Friday night, breakfast and lunch on Saturday. 

Student Registration $0.00
Please be sure to register your Riverview Student as there is important residential and meal information on the following page. There is no additional fee for students.

Sibling Registration $0.00
Please register any siblings that will be joining you for the weekend. Siblings that are 13 or older are encouraged to attend the sibling program session on Saturday. All siblings are welcome to join us for meals at no additional charge.

Friday Dinner ONLY $0.00

If you are not attending the conference but coming for the Friday dinners only please pay for the parents meals here at a cost of $25.00 per meal. Please make sure to also register your student or siblings above so we will know he/she is coming to dinner and fill out the residential transportation needs for your student. Thank you.
